1 Timothy 6:20 New Living Translation (NLT)
“Timothy, guard what God has entrusted to you…”
It is amazing that God in His infinite wisdom would entrust such a treasure to man. The treasure He entrusted was the Gospel. Timothy being in the form of an earthen vessel was cautioned to guard what was entrusted to him. God was telling Timothy to keep it pure and undefiled. He was also saying to be faithful and diligent to preserve it and dispense it. His charge also included his gifts, for the ministration of it, which were to be kept in use, and stirred up. They were not to be neglected, but cultivated and improved to the advantage of the church, and in the interest of Christ. God has also entrusted us with these great responsibilities.
Like Timothy, He expects us to commit to being bearers of the Gospel and administrators executing proper ministration of the gifts entrusted to us for the building up of the Kingdom. There is action required from the one to whom the charge is being committed to. Our needful response is that we must commit to being faithful with what has been entrusted to us.
So, we see that to commit is twofold. Firstly, it communicates the entrusting of something valuable to another person; meaning to devote, commend, assign or to give over. Secondly, it includes the responsibility to practice specific activities; meaning to do, to carry out or to perform.
God has committed a valuable deposit unto each believer. It must be guarded and protected, faithfully used and exercised in His service and the service of our brethren. Each believer is responsible to respond to God’s call by committing their lives to serve Him, to share the Gospel, and to be His ambassadors in this world. God also gives the grace to be faithful to accomplish the task He has committed to us. Therefore, be at peace today with what the Lord has asked you to perform. He is faithful and He will help you to complete what He has entrusted to you. Commit yourself to Him afresh today and keep calm as you commit to do what has been committed to you.
Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus, today I am thankful for what You have committed to me to do in service of You and my fellow brethren. Thank You for the grace to complete the task, the wisdom to guard it and the ability to remain focused and faithful on the journey. I commit myself to You today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.